1. On calendar click on date you want. 2. Fill out Reservation Form. 3. Click on Submit button.
4. A pop-up will say reservation is being processed. 5. If not, message will say to correct mistakes.
6. A confirmation email will come to you. 7. I’ll reply to remarks in the Additional Remark Section.
8. Once I have completed form (including lunches/drinks if you want them) I’ll send $200 invoice.
9. Pay deposit with credit card – balance at boat in CASH.
10. Paying total with credit card must be done before you go to Cabo.
11. Let me know so I can send a different invoice.
**** If a date is booked, hover over the date to see which charter is booked. If the day is not completely booked, click on that date & scroll down to Choose Your Charter to see what other charters are available. If booking more than one date, do separate forms for each.****
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